Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Let's Talk About Sex - BEDA Day 3

There was a lot of sex in my Tuesday.

First of all, I finished Fifty Shades of Grey, the infamous Twilight-BDSM-fanfic-turned-bestseller. It read exactly like the fanfiction it once was. I'm not convinced the author did anything to her manuscript besides find-replace the names. Honestly, I think Stephenie Meyer could successfully sue E. L. James if she was so inclined. I haven't added Fifty Shades of Grey to Goodreads yet because I'm still processing it. There isn't much to be said for the prose, and the plot was ridiculous. Were the sex scenes redemptive enough? Maybe I'm inclined to give it more than a one-star rating because it was a whole bunch of hot smut in one place, whereas in order to find that on fanfiction.net, I'd have to search for hours and hours. I also have to weigh how much I enjoyed it against its quality. It truly is an awful book, but I read it in two days and liked the experience. So I'm thinking it gets two stars.

The second bit of sex in my Tuesday was the lecture on female reproduction in Anatomy. It was given by Hot Student Teacher, so that was exciting. We talked about birth control, and I felt awkward knowing as much as I did. I wondered how that was perceived by my classmates. I mean, I'm an awkward, nerdy, short girl, and here I am spouting facts about how IUDs work (BTW, they work by blocking off the Fallopian tubes, and the copper of which they're often made up changes the chemical makeup of vaginal secretions so that they're more acidic, making it harder for sperm to survive) and all this other stuff. I like being well-informed and educated, even if I'm not currently sexually active, but would other people assume that? I didn't worry about it too much, though.

Aaaand now I'm going to watch Arrested Development and How I Met Your Mother while I have Scooby Doo fruit snacks, Gushers, and a Capri Sun. Then Imma go to bed. I love you guys. *hugs*

Postscript: I had therapy today, and it helped a LOT. My therapist had me sign a contract stating I will not harm myself. I'm feeling soooooo much better. I freakin' love my therapist.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you went and that your therapist is helping! I loved my therapist, too.
